Creating an advertising campaign

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An advertising campaign is a combination of settings that are designed to help with reaching the ultimate desired result by the advertiser. In most cases, the result is an increase in the number of clients/customers we get, while growing the company’s profit rate. For many individuals, the advertising campaign serves as a good source of income.
After logging in to your account, the campaign creation feature will be available.

To create a campaign, you must click on "+ Create a campaign" (image 1)

Создание рекламной кампании
image 1

All fields, marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Name, URL, payment model, format selection.

image 2

Campaign Name.

The name with which the campaign will be displayed in the list of advertising campaigns in your account.

URL of the campaign.

The link that users will follow.
When replacing a URL in a previously created campaign, only domain changes in the ads, not entire URL.

Check the availability of the site.

If the checkbox is selected, the campaign URL will be regularly be checked for availability. Your campaign will be suspended if your domain is unavailable. As soon as the domain becomes available again, the campaign will resume automatically.

Site to test.

The site that will be checked for availability when the "Check availability of the site” box is checked.

Payment Model.

For clicks (CPC) - The CPC method incurs a transaction whenever one of your advertisements is clicked.
For views (CPM) - The CPM method incurs a transaction whenever one of your advertisements is viewed 1000 times.
Smart Ads (KSA) - The KSA method only incurs transaction fees when conversions are made. For more information on KSA, follow the link.
After saving the campaign, it will be impossible to change the payment model.

Ad format.

There are 6 popular Advertising Formats available for placement:

1) Teaser.

2) Push Notification.

3) Clickander.
This format is not available for selection with the "For views" payment model (CPM).

4) Banner Advertising.

5) Contextual Advertising.

6) Video format.

Note: After saving campaign, changing your advertising format is not possible.

Keyword Targeting.

Keyword targeting allows advertisers to receive traffic only from those pages where these specified keywords are found. The maximum number of key phrases for one campaign is 500.

Key phrases can either be added individually, or more than one at a time (image 3).

Ключевые слова
image 3

To add key phrase, you must specify the phrase and bid, and then click "+" (image 4)

Ключевая фраза
image 4

To add several phrases at the same time, you must click on the "Add a few" button. After that, an additional form of mass addition will open Key Phrases (image 5)

массовое добавление ключевых фраз
image 5

To add several key phrases, each phrase must be written on a new line. Rate is indicated for all phrases. To add several key phrases, each phrase must be written from a new line. Rate is indicated for all phrases.
The Targeting Keyword Search Guidelines are described in here.

Regions and mobile operators.

This setting allows you to specify the regions and mobile operators, the users of which will be shown advertising (image 6)

Геотаргетинг и мобильные операторы
image 6

Near each region, there is a potential daily volume of views and an average bid (displays data based on the parameters already selected in the campaign, such as: ad format, categories, browser, platform)

Геотаргетинг и мобильные операторы
image 7

Targeting mobile operators.

Web and wap traffic. Mobile IP Targeting Available for both mobile devices and stationary PCs that use operator modems to access the Internet.


Allows you to specify the categories of sites on which advertising will be displayed. For each category can be set its own rate. By the value of the maximum rate you can judge the competition in the category.
Next to each category is its ID (which is transmitted when using the [CATID] tag, more details about the transfer of tags in the link are described here), the potential daily volume of views and the average rate (displays data based on the parameters already selected in the campaign such as: ad format, categories, browser, platform). (image 8)

image 8

Sex and age of the target audience.

Defines the users to whom the campaign ads will be shown (image 9).

Пол и возраст
image 9

Platform Targeting.

Determines which platforms will display ads (image 10).

image 10

Near each platform is indicated the potential daily volume of views and the average bid (displays data based on the parameters already selected in the campaign, such as: ad format, categories, browser, platform)

image 11

Browser Targeting.

Determines which browsers will display ads (image 12).

image 12

Near each browser shows the potential daily volume of views and the average rate (displays data based on the parameters already selected in the campaign, such as: ad format, categories, browser, platform)

image 13

Set black and white sheets.

Blacklist Site.

Allows you to block ads on specific sites.

Whitelist Site.

Promotional materials will be shown only on sites from this list.

You can indicate only the site id in the black and white sheets. (image 14).

Блек и вайт лист
image 14

Black and white list ip.

Blacklist IP address.

Allows you to block specific IP addresses. The maximum number of IP addresses that can be blocked at one time is 10,000 (image 15).


Allows you to only show materials on specific IP addresses, or in a specific range of addresses (image 15).

блокировка ip
image 15

Campaign Restrictions.

A tool that allows you to pause ad views of a campaign when the specified limits are reached (image 16).

image 16

Maximum number of conversions per day - the total number of user transitions that can be made on the promotional materials of the current campaign in one day. The minimum value for the field is 100.

Limit campaign budget per day - the maximum amount that can be paid by the advertiser per day for the targeted actions of users carried out on the current campaign. The minimum value for the field is 300.

Limit total campaign budget - the maximum amount that can be paid by the advertiser for the entire campaign period for targeted user actions. The minimum value for the field is 1000.

Show material no more often - indicates the number and frequency of advertising material shown to one user. The maximum value for the field is 365 days.

'The minimum number of views on the sites. This restriction allows you not to display ads on those sites whose daily number of views is less than the specified number. For KSA campaigns, this restriction applies only in the training mode.

The maximum number of views on the sites. This restriction allows you not to display ads on those sites whose daily number of views is more than the specified number. For KSA campaigns, this restriction applies only in the training mode.

Time targeting.

Allows to specify the time and days of the week to display ads. For this setting, the server time is taken into account, namely, UTC +3 (image 17).

временной таргетинг
image 17

Advanced Settings.

Создать кампанию
image 18

Uniform distribution of advertising budget per day - when you install this checkbox, your budget will be evenly distributed among all available sites of the system, regardless of the amount of traffic they generate. This will allow your funds to be used evenly, without the risk of spending too fast on large sites.

After all the necessary settings are made, you must click on "Create campaign" button (image 19).

Создать кампанию
image 19

See also