Translations:Увеличение CTR/1/en

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CTR (clickthrough rate - clickthrough rate) is the ratio of the number of clicks to an ad to the number of impressions. The more this indicator will be able to get an ad.


The image should be bright, original and clear, should not contain many details. If you are not able to create an image for the video yourself, you can use several frames and create an animation in gif format. Animated ads are more clickable than static image. The picture may have different, attention-grabbing elements: play buttons, arrows, borders of some elements, signs of social networks, etc.


Must send advertisements and contain maximum information in one "catchy" phrase. The title of the teaser advertisement should not contain insults. You can use the affirmative form of the proposal, a question or some kind of intrigue. Title calling for a specific action.


The text should be interesting, intriguing, well-written and consistent with the image. The text should enhance the intriguing effect of the title.

Target audience.

Determine which target audience is directed to your product or service. Targeting - gender, age, time of the ad.