Translations:Статистика по ключевым словам/1/en

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In the "By keywords" section, you can see statistics on keywords for all campaigns for the period of interest. The report can be found at the following address:

Advertiser Account /Statistics /By Keyword

image 1

Filter Panel

The report can be formed in the context of the following parameters:

  • Region 1 - region indication
  • Region 2 - indication of the subregion (values ​​depend on the "Region" filter)
  • Type is the type of advertising campaign, the available values ​​are: All /Advertising formats # .D0.A2.D0.B8.D0.B7.D0.B5.D1.80.D0.BD. D1.8B.D0.B9_.D1.84.D0.BE.D1.80.D0.BC.D0.B0.D1.82. By teasers / By banners / Push notification / Clickunder / Video advertising / Contextual Advertising      
  • Date from /to - time interval for which statistics will be displayed
  • Campaign - indication of a specific advertising campaign
  • material ID - indication of a specific promotional material
  • No archived - when this option is selected, statistics will be displayed without regard to remote and archived campaigns.
  • Campaign names - if you select this option, the campaign IDs in the drop-down list will be replaced with their names.
  • Only with audience - if you select this option, statistics will be displayed for the campaigns in which the audience is selected.
  • Campaigns - grouping statistics by campaigns
  • By material - grouping statistics by promotional materials
  • By Keyword - grouping statistics by keyword

When you click on the icon under the table part, statistics are exported to an xls file.

image 2

Main fields

Depending on the grouping parameters on the filtering panel, there are three options for constructing a table part.
Grouping by campaigns:

  1. Campaign ID - selected ad campaign
  3. Keyword ID
  5. Keyword
  7. Views - number of ad views of a campaign
  9. Clicks - number of user clicks
  11. Confirmed Conversions - number of confirmed conversions performed by the keyword
  13. Leads - similar indicator as the conversion is calculated only for the bid campaigns. In the case of "hard conversion", only the first lead generates the conversion. The rest of the leads, which came for the same material and block, do not generate conversions (A sum indicator is displayed for all dates)
  15. Spent - amount spent by the advertiser on the current keyword
  17. CTR - number of clicks in relation to the number of views in the context of the keyword
  19. CPM - Thousands of views for this keyword

Grouping by material:

  1. Campaign ID - selected ad campaign
  3. Material - selected advertising material (The column contains an icon, when clicked, a material image appears)
  5. Keyword ID
  7. Keyword
  9. Views - number of ad views of a campaign
  11. Clicks - number of user clicks
  13. Confirmed Conversions - number of confirmed conversions performed by the keyword
  15. Leads - a similar indicator as the conversion is calculated only for the bid campaigns. In the case of "hard conversion", only the first lead generates the conversion. The rest of the leads, which came for the same material and block, do not generate conversions (A sum indicator is displayed for all dates)
  17. Spent - the amount spent by the advertiser on the current keyword
  19. CTR - the number of clicks in relation to the number of impressions in the context of the keyword
  21. CPM - Thousands of impressions for this keyword

Grouping by keyword:

  1. Keyword ID
  3. Keyword
  5. Impressions - the number of ad impressions of a campaign
  7. Clicks - the number of user clicks
  9. Confirmed Conversions - the number of confirmed conversions performed by the keyword
  11. Leads - similar indicator as the conversion is calculated only for the bid campaigns. In the case of "hard conversion", only the first lead generates the conversion. The rest of the leads, which came for the same material and block, do not generate conversions (A sum indicator is displayed for all dates)
  13. Spent - amount spent by the advertiser on the current keyword
  15. CTR - number of clicks in relation to the number of views in the context of the keyword
  17. CPM - Thousands of views for this keyword