Event Tracking

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This option allows to track user actions on the pre-landing and landing page.
In Site Statistics you can see the following data:
Pre-landing visits - number of visits to the exhibition
Pre-landing useful visits - number of useful (user’s stay on the page for more than 5 seconds) pre-landing visits
Pre-landing scroll - number of pre-landing scrolling
Land visits - number of landings visits
Land Useful Visits - number of useful (user’s stay on a page for more than 5 seconds) landing page visits
Land Scroll - number of Landing Scrolls

In order to track events on the landing (offering), you must:
In your account, in the list of campaigns in the "Management" column, click on "Event Tracking" button

image 1

The provided code should be placed in the code of the target advertised page.

image 2

Statistics on the events can be viewed in the menu " statistics by sites". For the code to work, you need to add this macro to the advertised link: an = [ACTL] Example: http: // YOUR_SITE_Address /? An = [ACTL]

If you have your own pre-lending and landing, and you want to track events on both of them, then besides specifying the [ACTL] macro in the advertised link, you will need:
1) transfer the value of the [ACTL] macro to all pre-rending links that lead to the landing page
2) you need to specify the event tracking code on both of these pages

1) To transfer the values ​​of a macro, you can, for example, enter the parameter <? Php echo $ _GET ['parameter'];?> In the links on the prerending page that lead to the landing page. Note: This method can be implemented only on php pages. The advertiser sets up the transmission of macro values ​​manually.

An example of getting the an parameter for landing links:

Pre-lending Link :
 http://prelendtest.net/?an= [ACTL] 
Landing link in the pre-lending code :
 lendingtest.net/an = <? php echo $ _GET ['an'];?> 

2) On the pre-lending and landing page you need to place your event tracking code. The code will differ in one parameter: the parameter in the code will be the context: "prelanding" parameter, and in the landing page there will be the context: "landing" parameter.

image 3

Data can be tracked in the Site Statistics menu:

image 4